Friday 9 September 2011

A new beginning!!!!!!!

So its like the world is painted in a different color.......My pessimistic self would probably blame my hormones or dry eyes for it.....
I saw the famous Julia roberts flick- Eat Pray and Love. (I like to believe that I like inspirational movies.....fingers crossed)....... Nothing quite great to be really honest... I thought I'll be like this transformed person, whose either gonna understand love more clearly, pray regularly or atleast eat without feeling guilty ( one of the most likely impacts of perhaps any movie!). None of that happened. I guess I am more inspired watching Sex and the City. The movie atleast inspires me to look fab and stunning at all times. Inspires me to add those sinful guilty labels in my closet.. Inspires me to become this BIG person vis a vis my heart and my wallet!.
To put another jolt to articulation and organised thought process....I am actually just a person who is trying to find my passion. To find my calling. To imagine that one day there will be this one thing in the world for which I will happily sacrifice my sleep, food and comfort. WTF is it???

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